ahhh... made it throught the first week back. though unfortunately, I feel like I never even had a spring break. I feel completely drained. I fell asleep by about 10:00 almost every night this week, that's how drained I've been feeling. It is the weekend now, luckily, and I plan on making the most of it. I'm not even going to think about school. Plus th next week should be relatively easy considering it's TCAP week right after Easter, and all my classes will be doing for the lovely 4 day week next week is taking a TCAP practice test. And that means nothing for me to grade all next week except for their standard vocabulary quiz and their journals - something that I'll be doing away with soon anyway.

I'm off to have a great weekend and spend some time wallowing with a few fellow teachers over a giant bottle of champagne at brunch this morning!

2nd day

So, true story. School has been back in session for a grand total of 2 days. We've already got one girl going to ISS for 3 days, and I was sooo close to writing another kid up today for taking something out of my classroom that was supposed to be used for an in-class group project. And it was something that was my own personal material! The demon-child I've been having issues with all year is up to his same old tricks. If he doesn't watch out, he's gonna end up suspended again and possibly on his way to an alternative school placement (not that I would mind, though).

And it's because of these few that I feel really sorry for the good kids. For the most part, they're great. But their learning is hindered by the behavior of a few, and I'm sick of it for their sakes. There are, believe it or not, some 12 year olds that actually seem to enjoy school, and much to my surprise, writing! And those are the kids that give me the strength each day to push ahead irregardless of the crap put up with on a daily basis.

On a happier note, our team's math teacher who's been out on maternity leave is officially back!! I've missed her so much, and now she's back. Hopefully the consistency will help return our kids' sanity to survivable levels. And I now have my normal across-the-hall neighbor to talk to in between classes! And there's now an adorable 2 1/2 month old girl that has joined the sixth grade family down at our end of the hall. I keep saying that whenever I start to get "baby fever," I'll go chill with this adorable little one for a while to get it out of my system. Babies make everyone happy - except when they're crying... a lot!

time for a change

This has been coming gradually over the last few months, but I'm finally happy about my new short crazy hair. The last two times I've had it cut, it was gradually shorter and shaggier and more deconstructed, but this time, I really went all out.

It's not only short and funky (think somewhere between Sarah and Jael from ANTM:Cycle 8) but also chestnut brown with red-violet blended throughout. So, in short, I'm no longer a brunette, I'm a violet-head. What does that say about me exactly? Dunno, but I <3 it very very much!

oh joy!

Spring Break is wonderful! I have to admit that I consider myself lucky to work in a profession that gives me the opportunity to have a Spring Break even though I'm not a student anymore! (Thank God for that!)

Of course, Spring Break generally conjures up visions of drunken college students running wild on the beaches of Florida, but for me, all it means is a much-needed, week-long break from work.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love my school. I love my colleagues. But right now, I'm not loving some of my students so much. And I also hate those last few weeks before TCAPS (Tennessee standardized testing, for those of you who aren't cool Tennesseans). All it is is cramming in the last bits of the curriculum that you've not covered and making the students practice bubbling in answer forms on boring practice tests. Here the tests are given the day the students come back from a 4-day Easter weekend. Of course, I do LOVE the weeks between TCAPS and the end of the school year, but that's a different story.

My Spring Break festivities have included cooking an insane amount of Irish food for St. Patty's weekend (just for Jake and me), visiting with my grandparents, aunt, and two cousins who were in town at my mom's, fighting with apartment management and maintenance about getting rid of the musty mildew stench that permeated our apartment and made both Jake and me horrendously sick, and getting my Spring planting done. Yes, I said planting. If I can actually get anything to sprout, it'll be a miracle, but who knows, maybe come June, I'll have veggies to eat, herbs to cook with, and pretty flowers (ranunculus and asters) to cover my house with.

For now, though, it's back to being a slug and reading what I enjoy most - children's fiction! Ella Enchanted awaits, as does a potential trip to the public library (again!).